What it does mean?

The use of secure standards and parameters is a responsibility that CPI has adopted and has became in its main method of action, reason why in our company we want to permeate our philosophy and make each business use a safe method that adds value to our customers and for us as well.


CPI will be responsible of ensuring the total conformity for the evaluated processes, using specialized techniques of reverse engineering to manage an integral collection of measures that allow to provide absolute certainty of our customer requirements.


In the world market it is necessary to make alliances that allow to develop greater strength to have a successful and reliable market penetration. CPI is committed to its customers to carry out verifications in a comprehensive, rigorous and objective way to conserve and expand the value that customers have with their end users.

CPI will be responsible to examine carefully each request of our customers, making strict statistical and quality processes, and putting the articles in considerable efforts to prove their effectiveness and operational safety, ensuring not only the integrity of the final users but also the prestige of our customers.

Safety electronics

  • NOM-001-SCFI* - Electronic devices - Electronic devices for domestic use powered by different sources of electrical energy - Safety requirements and test methods for type approval.
  • NOM-016-SCFI* - Electronic devices - Electronic devices for office use powered by different sources of electrical energy - Safety requirements and test methods.
  • NOM-019-SCFI* - Security of data processing equipment.

Safety household appliances

  • NOM-003-SCFI* - Electrical products - security specifications.
  • NMX-J-521/1-ANCE* - Household Appliances and Similar - Security -Part 1: General requirements.
  • NMX-J-524-ANCE* - Portable Electric Tools Operated by Motor - Security - Part 1: General requirements.
  • NMX-J-508-ANCE* - Electrical appliances - Safety requirements - Specifications and test methods.
  • NMX-J-307-ANCE* - General purpose luminaries for interiors and exteriors.
  • NMX-J-588-ANCE* - Electrical products - Decorative and seasonal - Security articles.
  • NMX-J-175/1-ANCE* - Electric toys-Security.
  • Also all the parts "2" of the NMX-J-521-ANCE*
  • NOM-064-SCFI* - Electrical products - Luminaries for indoor, outdoor use - Specifications and Test Methods.
  • And more...

  • NOM-221-SCFI-2017 (P1;P2;P3) - Specifications of mobile terminal equipment that can make use of the radioelectric spectrum or be connected to telecommunications networks.
  • DT-IFT-010-2016 - Specifications and requirements of blocking equipment signs of cellular telephony, radio communication or transmission of data and image within social rehabilitation centers, penitentiary establishments or detention centers for minors, federal or federal entities.
  • NOM-208-SCFI* - Radiocommunication systems using the spread spectrum technique-Radio frequency communication equipment and digital modulation to operate in the bands 902-928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz and 5725-5850 MHz-Specifications and test methods.
  • NOM-196-SCFI* - Products. Terminal equipment that are connected or interconnected through wired access to a public telecommunications network.
  • NOM-088-SCFI* - Microwave equipment for multi-channel point-to-point and point-to-multipoint fixed service systems - Part I: Radio Multiple Access.
  • NOM-084-SCFI* - Technical specifications of the transmitting equipment destined to the mobile service of specialized radiocommunication of fleets.
  • IFT-012 (SAR).- Technical Provision for the technical specifications for compliance with the maximum limits of non-ionizing radioelectric emissions of products, equipment, devices or appliances for telecommunications that can be connected to a telecommunications network and/or make use of the radioelectric spectrum. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR).